Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: May 12, 1993
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faxstat - display facsimile server status  


faxstat [ -h hostname ] [ -u username ] [ -a ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -D ]  


Faxstat reports the status of a fascimile server, including (potentially) the status of the send and receive queues. Server status information indicates the state of the server (idle, sending, receiving, etc.) and the phone number that is associated with the fax modem. The send queue report gives the status of facsimile jobs queued for transmission:
the job identifier,
the modem the job is bound to (or ``any'' if the job can be sent though any modem),
the destination (phone number) of the job,
the time to send the job, or a blank field if the job is being processed or is to be sent immediately,
the senders' name,
and status information about the job (typically the reason why a previous attempt failed).

The receive queue report lists the facsimile documents that have been received and are awaiting delivery; it includes:

the phone number of the sender (if supplied),
the date and time at which the job was received,
the number of pages and their size,
and the quality (resolution) at which the document was transmitted.

When invoked without options, faxstat reports status of the server and the status of jobs queued by the user that ran the program. If the -r option is specified, the receive queue status is also displayed. Status of jobs submitted by specific users can be obtained with the -u option. Status of all jobs queued for transmission is reported if the -a option is supplied. The send queue status can also be suppressed by specifying the -s option.

By default faxstat reports status for the facsimile servers located on the host specified in the FAXSERVER environment variable. Alternate hosts may be given with one or more uses of the -h option.

The -D option is used for debugging faxstat; it causes faxstat to obtain protocol information from the standard input, rather than from a server process. The -v option causes the protocol exchanges between faxstat and the faxd.recv server processes to be traced on the standard output.  


${LIBDATA}/pagesizes    page size database


flexfax(1), sendfax(1), faxalter(1), faxrm(1)




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